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12 Key End’s and Don’ts to Preserve a Lush and Wholesome Beard

12 Key End’s and Don’ts to Preserve a Lush and Wholesome Beard

Long or short, sparse or bushy — the length and thickness of your beard may not matter as much as you think, when it comes to maintenance. Beards of all shapes and sizes require some maintenance for optimal appearance and health. That said, the amount of maintenance you’ll need to do to will depend on

There Is No Manliness With out Possibility

There Is No Manliness With out Possibility

In a mountain village in mid-20th-century Crete, a young shepherd creeps toward his neighbor’s flock before dawn to steal his goats. His heart races. Not because he fears capture. But because the raid represents his chance to prove he can thrive in uncertainty — to prove his manhood. A century earlier and half a world

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